Dana Finnegan

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Challenging times often create a simplification and redefining of workflows and processes. Presently, there’s a lot of noise around consolidation-…

A recent article states, “Hospitals and health systems are spending an estimated $19.7 billion per year to fight denied claims.”…

The transition from fee-for-service to value-based care reflects a broader shift towards a more sustainable, efficient, and patient-centered delivery of…

In the intricate landscape of revenue cycle management (RCM), the pursuit of accuracy, compliance, and efficiency hinges on eliminating inefficiencies….

In today’s segmented healthcare systems, Revenue Cycle Management (RCM) cohesiveness remains as important as ever. If you’re looking for ways…

2022 MDaudit data revealed specific high-impact denials happening across three main categories. These categories are high-spend areas in the outpatient and ambulatory sectors, identified by historical data. While there can be many reasons for denials, the Return for Information (RFI) is particularly unsettling and frequently assigned to these claims. 

Just as the pandemic tamped down demand for medical services, private payers and federal agencies dialed back the number of…

Given the current strenuous landscape in healthcare, revenue growth and retention have never been more challenging. In this 30-minute educational…

Based in Nashville this year, the HFMA Annual Conference will run for four days and offer over 70 sessions, allowing…

Billing compliance protects both patients and providers. Patients want assurance that the bills they receive completely and accurately reflect what…

Maintaining revenue integrity is a complex juggling act. The revenue integrity team must have the right people, processes, technology, and…

Payers and providers have traditionally been contentious. Contrary to this popular belief, they actually have much in common. In this…